- 1) Caffeine consumption in the evening
- 2) Smoking prior to bedtime.
- 3)Charging Electronics in your Bedroom
- 4) Use of medicines and supplements closer to bedtime
- 5) Reading stimulating material before sleep.
- 6) Temperature within your House/Bedroom
- 7) Nighttime eating and drinking.
One bad night's sleep can interfere with your energy and mood the next day. But sleep deprivation can start to have an adverse effect on your life. Sometimes, everybody has restless episodes at night and could use some tips on how to sleep better. Some minor tweaks may be your ticket to a dreamy night's sleep.
Let me address the common causes of lack of sleep.
1) Caffeine consumption in the evening

Caffeine is found in many of our daily drinks and foods, an example being coffee and soda. It seems as if it is impossible to escape this psychoactive substance. However, it is important to avoid these drinks at all cost in the evening because of their known effects on sleep.
Whenever we think of a method to wake up or regain energy, the first thought is coffee. What if I told you this method could actually affect you if taken at a later time? Research has shown that "caffeine typically prolongs sleep latency, reduces total sleep time and sleep efficiency, and worsens perceived sleep quality." Several studies have been conducted and have shown that the sleep of older adults may be more sensitive to caffeine than younger adults. With that being said, it would be ideal to stay away from that caffeinated cappuccino by the time it's evening, so you can be sure of getting a good night's rest. Luckily, there are many alternatives that can actually help you fall asleep, such as certain teas like chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, or valerian root.
2) Smoking prior to bedtime.

Smoking is known to cause many health problems, but amongst all of that, it can also affect your sleep. Nicotine, being a stimulant, causes our brains to activate, so if you smoke at least 2 hours before bed, you will have great difficulty falling asleep.
Smoking and sleeping don’t come hand in hand as the qualities of nicotine disturb a smoker's sleep patterns. When you smoke, it changes your circadian rhythm, which is why many smokers suffer from insomnia.
If you smoke and want to sleep better, it is recommended to cut back or stop smoking entirely. This not only allows you to sleep better and for longer periods of time, but it also benefits your overall health.
3)Charging Electronics in your Bedroom
When looking at our rooms for purposes, we can quickly identify them. For example, the living room is a place to share memories and enjoy and entertain, Bedroom: Sleep. So why is it that we incorporate distractions into our bedrooms, such as televisions and smartphones? It is known that smartphones and TVs are necessities for most people in this world, but the use of these electronics before bed can ruin our internal clock and suppress the release of melatonin.
Electronics do this to us because they emit blue light. Blue light is beneficial to us humans during the day, but can disturb us at night. To have a great night’s sleep, it's recommended to have no electronics in the bedroom near you when going to sleep. Charge your devices outside the bedroom or in another room away from your sleep space. It's important to remember that our bedroom is our sanctuary and this is where we rest and rejuvenate.
4) Use of medicines and supplements closer to bedtime

Do you take prescriptions or supplements on a daily basis?The time you take them is vital. When you take them in the evenings, you could be potentially harming your sleep.
Certain medications, like steroids and some B vitamins, can cause sleep disruptions. However, it is critical to consult with your doctor about the best time to take your medication.
5) Reading stimulating material before sleep.

Reading is a highly recommended habit to incorporate into your life before bed or at any time. However, when reading before bed, it is recommended to choose material that isn’t too intellectually challenging, as this activates our brain rather than soothing and relaxing it to go to sleep.
This doesn't mean you should stop reading before bed. Instead, choose a material that is light and won't leave you thinking all night.
6) Temperature within your House/Bedroom

The temperature that you sleep in does matter, as our bodies can gradually get warmer overnight. It’s not pleasant to wake up in a puddle of sweat, as this can definitely disrupt your sleep.
How can you resolve this?
You can easily find a solution by choosing the right bedding and mattress. It is important to sleep with bedding that is 100% cotton or temperature-regulated. Make sure to have a mattress that is cool and breathable so that it doesn't trap any heat in.
We are proud to carry cool and refreshing fine linens and mattresses. If you are interested in seeing our bedding linens, please click here. And for our cool technology mattresses, click here.
7) Nighttime eating and drinking.

Nighttime eating or drinking... Amazing. It is when done in moderation and at the right time.Nutritionists have recommended that we avoid eating for at least two to three hours before bedtime. This will give you time to digest your food properly.
Many times, we tend to have late-night dinners or snacks and go straight to bed, yet wake up with acid reflux and heartburn. This happens because we do not give our bodies the necessary amount of time to digest our food. As a result, falling asleep is difficult.
With all of this being said, it's important to keep all of this in mind before going to bed to ensure a good night’s sleep.